Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fear…and overcoming it

For those of you that know my mother, you might know she is apt to experiencing what many of us would refer to as your typical set of fears and/or neuroses including, but not limited to heights, claustrophobia, large bodies of water….you get the point. I was thinking a lot about this after getting back from our recent trip to Belize because I realized the power fear can have over us and how powerful it is when we overcome it.  During this trip, we, and I mean all of us, flew in puddle jumper planes, climbed rocks through dark enclosed caves, tubed down strong currents and swam among sharks in the middle of the ocean.  The fact that my mom participated, and even enjoyed, almost all of the adventures proved how strong we can be if we don't let fears inhibit our mind and bodies. Sure, it's not always easy, but it can open you up to so many new experiences and discoveries about yourself. Proud of you mom!

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