Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Adjusting to the "norm"

As I was taking a mid-afternoon lunch break from my recently acquired full-time job, I realized that the last time I contributed to this page was likely at the end of my life-abroad experience earlier this summer.  Although the blog originally was intended to journal my travel experiences, I think I'd like to continue to use the space to reflect a bit on life and such. I mean, to think back that it was less than 4 months ago I was living and backpacking around South America, yet how much has happened since, it's truly mind boggling...

I recently spoke to a very good friend of mine who I had met traveling in 2012. She is currently still on the road, backpack slung over her shoulder, and I have to admit catching up on life over skype was difficult. I developed a deep nostalgic feeling for the free and uninhibited life I had previously closed. The constant adventure that meets you everyday. The life where you might not be sure what you'll be doing or where you'll be in a week, month, year....Alas, she told me, "part of me is jealous of your situation....the security, comfort and stability....I'm tired." Moral of the story, the grass is always greener, but the conversation had me reflecting on this incredible year I have had, the past, present and future which has altered the course of my life infinitely.

Fast forward 3+ months from my arrival back to the United States and so much has occurred. I have been reunited with family and friends. I have celebrated weddings, births and changing seasons.  I have traveled coast to coast in the beautiful U.S. of A. I have embarked on further yoga studies surrounded by inspiring teachers and friends. I have begun a new life adventure living in a new city with a new job.

I don't take for granted the unconventional life I pursued for nearly the last 2 years, in fact, I know it was meant to happen. For without the thrill, the travel, the new experiences, the lessons learned, I would not be the person I am today. As 2013 comes to a close and a new year (and new decade for me!) begins, I look forward to the goals ahead, the travel that awaits and the adventures that continue no matter where I am in the world. Stay tuned for more from the day-to-day and a few more exciting times on the road.....